- shibu.jp: Erlang用の軽量ユニットテストフレームワーク
- 渋神こと@shibukawaの日本語訳のみで十分。どうもありがとうございました。
- 1. ガイド — OMakeマニュアル 日本語訳
- OMakeのことならここを見れば全部載ってます
- szktty/omakebook-jp · GitHub
- OMakeを始めるならこれを読むと幸せになれます。ビルドは"make html"です。
- OMake つかったらC言語でプログラム書く手間がバカみたいに減った - 日記を書く [・w・] はやみずさん
- "omake -P"でご飯三杯いってるときのテンションが伝わるエントリ
bottom(List)-> case List of [] -> []; [X] -> X; [_|Xs] -> bottom(Xs) end. sift(Divider, Nums)-> lists:filter(fun(X) -> X rem Divider =/= 0 end, Nums). sieve(Nums)-> sieve([], Nums). sieve(Accu, Nums)-> case {Accu, Nums} of {_, []} -> Accu; {[], _} -> sieve([hd(Nums)], sift(hd(Nums), tl(Nums))); {_, [X|Xs]} -> B = bottom(Xs), if X*X > B -> lists:reverse(Accu, Nums); true -> sieve([X|Accu], sift(X, Xs)) end end. primes(Limit)-> sieve(lists:seq(2, Limit)).
bottom_test_()-> [?_assert( [] =:= bottom([]) ), ?_assert( 1 =:= bottom([1]) ), ?_assert( 10 =:= bottom(lists:seq(1, 10)) ), ?_assert( d =:= bottom([a, b, c, d]) ) ]. sift_test_()-> [?_assert( [] =:= sift(2, []) ), ?_assert( [] =:= sift(1, lists:seq(1, 5)) ), ?_assert( lists:seq(1, 9, 2) =:= sift(2, lists:seq(1, 10)) ) ]. sieve_test_()-> [?_assert( [] =:= sieve([]) ), ?_assert( [1] =:= sieve(lists:seq(1,10)) ), ?_assert( [2,3,5,7] =:= sieve(lists:seq(2,10)) ) ]. primes_test_()-> [?_assert( [2] =:= primes(2) ), ?_assert( [2,3,5,7] =:= primes(10) ) ].
%%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Yoshifumi YAMAGUCHI <ymotongpoo AT gmail.com> %%% @copyright (C) 2010, Yoshifumi YAMAGUCHI %%% @doc %%% %%% @end %%% Created : 23 Oct 2010 by Yoshifumi YAMAGUCHI <ymotongpoo AT gmail.com> %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(sample). -define(EUNIT, true) -export([bottom/1, sift/2, sieve/1, primes/1]). -compile(export_all). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bottom(List)-> case List of [] -> []; [X] -> X; [_|Xs] -> bottom(Xs) end. sift(Divider, Nums)-> lists:filter(fun(X) -> X rem Divider =/= 0 end, Nums). sieve(Nums)-> sieve([], Nums). sieve(Accu, Nums)-> case {Accu, Nums} of {_, []} -> Accu; {[], _} -> sieve([hd(Nums)], sift(hd(Nums), tl(Nums))); {_, [X|Xs]} -> B = bottom(Xs), if X*X > B -> lists:reverse(Accu, Nums); true -> sieve([X|Accu], sift(X, Xs)) end end. primes(Limit)-> sieve(lists:seq(2, Limit)). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(EUNIT). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). bottom_test_()-> [?_assert( [] =:= bottom([]) ), ?_assert( 1 =:= bottom([1]) ), ?_assert( 10 =:= bottom(lists:seq(1, 10)) ), ?_assert( d =:= bottom([a, b, c, d]) ) ]. sift_test_()-> [?_assert( [] =:= sift(2, []) ), ?_assert( [] =:= sift(1, lists:seq(1, 5)) ), ?_assert( lists:seq(1, 9, 2) =:= sift(2, lists:seq(1, 10)) ) ]. sieve_test_()-> [?_assert( [] =:= sieve([]) ), ?_assert( [1] =:= sieve(lists:seq(1,10)) ), ?_assert( [2,3,5,7] =:= sieve(lists:seq(2,10)) ) ]. primes_test_()-> [?_assert( [2] =:= primes(2) ), ?_assert( [2,3,5,7] =:= primes(10) ) ]. -endif.
$ erlc sample.erl $ erl -noshell -s sample test -s init stop All 12 tests passed.
bottom_test_()-> [?_assert( [] =:= bottom([]) ), ?_assert( 1 =:= bottom([1]) ), ?_assert( 1 =:= bottom(lists:seq(1, 10)) ), % ここを10じゃなくて1にしてみました ?_assert( d =:= bottom([a, b, c, d]) ) ].
$ erlc sample.erl $ erl -noshell -s sample test -s init stop sample:59: bottom_test_...*failed* ::error:{assertion_failed,[{module,sample}, {line,59}, {expression,"1 =:= bottom ( lists : seq ( 1 , 10 ) )"}, {expected,true}, {value,false}]} in function sample:'-bottom_test_/0-fun-4-'/0 ======================================================= Failed: 1. Skipped: 0. Passed: 11.
OMakeはOCamlで実装されてるビルドツールで、OMake言語という専用言語でGNU Makeよりも柔軟な記述が出来ます。さらにomake -Pというオプションを点けて実行すると、Flymakeのようにファイルを更新するたびにビルドが走ります。早速OMakeを書いてみます。詳しいことは上記リンクに任せるとして、今回は次のようなディレクトリ構成にしました。
unittest/ ├── OMakefile ├── OMakeroot └── src ├── OMakefile └── sample.erl
- OMakeroot
######################################################################## # The standard OMakeroot file. # You will not normally need to modify this file. # By default, your changes should be placed in the # OMakefile in this directory. # # If you decide to modify this file, note that it uses exactly # the same syntax as the OMakefile. # # # Include the standard installed configuration files. # Any of these can be deleted if you are not using them, # but you probably want to keep the Common file. # open build/C open build/OCaml open build/LaTeX # sth like OTP.om public.ERLC=$(shell which erlc) public.SRCDIR=src public.TESTDIR=test public.EBIN=ebin public.ERLCFLAGS=-DDEBUG +debug_info -Wall public.ERL=erl public.ROOT=$(shell pwd) public.BEAM_EXT=.beam public.ERL_EXT=.erl public.INCLUDES[] = include public.INCLUDES_OPT = -I # # Add the -I option to the includes lazily. # Don't redefine this variable unless you know what you are doing. # public.PREFIXED_INCLUDES = $`(addprefix $(INCLUDES_OPT), $(INCLUDES)) #%$(BEAM_EXT): %$(ERL_EXT) #:scanner: scan-erl-%$(ERL_EXT) # $(ERLC) $(ERLCFLAGS) $(PREFIXED_INCLUDES) $< MakeBeams(names) = erl2beam(name) = private.beam = $(EBIN)/$(removesuffix $(basename $(name)))$(BEAM_EXT) $(beam): $(name) $(ERLC) $(ERLCFLAGS) -pa $(EBIN) $(PREFIXED_INCLUDES) -o $(EBIN) $< # $(ERL) -pa $(EBIN) -noshell -eval '$(removesuffix $(basename $(name))):test().' -s init stop return $(string $(beam)) private.beams=$(names.map $(erl2beam)) return $(beams) erls=$(glob $(string $(SRCDIR)/*$(ERL_EXT))) beams=$(MakeBeams $(erls)) apps= #$(glob $(string $(EBIN)/*.app)) # # The command-line variables are defined *after* the # standard configuration has been loaded. # DefineCommandVars() # # Include the OMakefile in this directory. # .SUBDIRS: .
- OMakefile
######################################################################## # Phony targets are scoped, so you probably want to declare them first. # .PHONY: all clean # eprintln( $(string $(beams)) ) testerls=$(glob $(string $(TESTDIR)/*$(ERL_EXT))) # traverse the subdirs except $(dirs) Subdirs_except(dirs) = # need to export since .SUBDIRS is evaluated in the global scope export VISIT_SUBDIRS sub_omakefiles = $(glob i, */OMakefile) subdirs = $(sub_omakefiles.map $(dirname)) VISIT_SUBDIRS=$(set-diff $(subdirs), $(dirs)) # The rule .SUBDIRS: $(VISIT_SUBDIRS) # traverse all the subdirs Subdirs() = Subdirs_except($(array)) Subdirs()
- src/OMakefile
MODULE = sample FILES = $(MODULE).erl TARGET = $(MODULE).beam .PHONY: all $(TARGET) .DEFAULT: all all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(FILES) $(ERLC) $(FILES) $(ERL) -noshell -s $(MODULE) test -s init stop clean: rm -f *.beam
$ omake *** omake: changing directory to /Users/ymotongpoo/src/erlang/unittest *** omake: reading OMakefiles *** omake: finished reading OMakefiles (0.02 sec) - build src <.DEFAULT> + erl -noshell -s sample test -s init stop All 12 tests passed. *** omake: done (1.43 sec, 0/0 scans, 1/1 rules, 0/73 digests)
omake -Pで幸せ
さていよいよomake -Pで幸せになりたいと思います。今回はtakeN/2というリストの先頭からN個の要素を取ってきたリストを返す関数を追加したいと思います。まずコマンドラインでおもむろにomake -Pを起動させます。
$ omake -P *** omake: changing directory to /Users/ymotongpoo/src/erlang/omake-eunit-template *** omake: reading OMakefiles *** omake: finished reading OMakefiles (0.02 sec) - build src <sample> + erl -noshell -s sample test -s init stop All 12 tests passed. *** omake: done (1.42 sec, 0/0 scans, 1/1 rules, 0/86 digests) *** omake: polling for filesystem changes
takeN(N, List)-> % わざと関数名だけ書いて放置します ... takeN_test_()-> % テストを書いておきます [?_assert( [] =:= takeN(0, lists:seq(1,10)) ), ?_assert( [1] =:= takeN(1, lists:seq(1,10)) ), ?_assert( lists:seq(1,5) =:= takeN(5, lists:seq(1,10)) ), ?_assert( lists:seq(1,10) =:= takeN(20, lists:seq(1,10)) ) ].
するとomake -Pを立ち上げているターミナルを見るとこんなメッセージが追記で表示されているのがわかるでしょう。ちゃんと保存したらomakeが走ってますね。
*** omake: file src/sample.erl changed *** omake: rebuilding - build src <sample> + /opt/erlang/R14B/bin/erlc sample.erl ./sample.erl:58: syntax error before: '.' ./sample.erl:93: unbalanced '-endif'========================================================= ] 00021 / 00024 ./sample.erl:86: function takeN/2 undefined ./sample.erl:87: function takeN/2 undefined ./sample.erl:88: function takeN/2 undefined ./sample.erl:89: function takeN/2 undefined
... ./sample.erl:92: unbalanced '-endif' ./sample.erl:51: function takeN/3 undefined *** omake: polling for filesystem changes *** omake: file src/sample.erl changed *** omake: rebuilding - build src <sample> + erl -noshell -s sample test -s init stop All 16 tests passed. *** omake: done (10 min 26.08 sec, 0/0 scans, 6/6 rules, 10/158 digests) *** omake: polling for filesystem changes
erlc -pa "path/to/eunit/ebin" $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) $<
しかしいざOTP R14Bの下のディレクトリを検索してみても似たような名前のものはあっても、eunitという名前のディレクトリはありません。
$ find /opt/erlang/R14B -name eunit.hrl /opt/erlang/R14B/lib/erlang/lib/eunit-2.1.5/include/eunit.hrl
[10/10/23 9:57:03] kuenishi: include_libは、ertsが適当にパスを読み替えてくれる